Railway construction, turn table and signaling of Sangan railway station
Railway construction, turn table and signaling of Sangan railway station
Category:Railway construction
Client:National Iranian Steel Co.
Consultant:Matra Consulting Engineers
Initial Price:23.500.000 $
Construction of 18 kilometers of rail way, ballasting and infrastructure, installing 40 railway switches, a locomotive turn table, a station controlling and signaling system as well as the required buildings for the station.
The project with a value of 235 billion Rials includes the following procedures:
a) Infrastructure: including the soil operation and the technical construction of the bridges.
b) The peripheral buildings including the travelers’ building, signals, refueling, oil passing, gravel passing,
c) Pavement with 18 kilometers of rail installation with all equipment and 40 railway switches for changing the line and a turn table machine for turning the locomotive.
d) Electrical equipment includes interlocking, communication and signaling.